3 Ways To Recover From Emotional Trauma

You’re drained emotionally, physically, and psychologically.

You knew that life wouldn’t immediately return to sunshine and rainbows, but you honestly didn’t think you’d still be feeling this way.

Life has been hard lately. You feel like you’re on the outside looking in a lot. This time in your life has been difficult to navigate for someone who normally has it all together.

The trauma was difficult in itself, but the aftermath has been just as difficult. Here are three ways to recover from emotional trauma.

1. Take Care of Yourself

Taking care of yourself is extremely important, especially in moments of stress. Experiencing something like trauma can throw your body and routine completely out of whack. Trauma can have an impact on your daily life and routine, including things like your eating and sleeping habits. Taking care of yourself can help your body perform to the best of its ability. Taking care of yourself means fueling your body properly as well as getting enough rest and recovery.

You should aim for between three to five healthy and well-balanced meals throughout your day. These meals should have a good mix of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Try to limit food or snacks that are high in sugars, fats, or carbohydrates, as well as limit or completely remove any substances from your life, like drugs and/or alcohol. In addition to eating a well-balanced diet, aim to drink at least 64 ounces of water to keep your body hydrated.

Taking care of yourself also means getting enough sleep. Each person should aim for att least eight hours of sleep each night. Try to go to bed around the same time each night and wake up around the same time each morning. This can help get your body on a natural sleep routine so that it's tired right before bed and feeling awake when you're ready to get up in the morning.

2. Implement Healthy Coping Mechanisms

When experiencing trauma, it can be easy to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like gambling, reckless driving, unsafe sex, drinking, or drugs. These may be short-term solutions, but they can actually lead to worsening signs and symptoms. Plus, it can be a vicious cycle to break. Instead, try to use healthier coping mechanisms. There are a lot more healthy activities that you can try out that are better long-term solutions. Here are a few of the different healthy coping mechanisms for you to try out:

●      Arts and crafts

●      Deep breathing

●      Go for a walk outside

●      Meditation

●      Workout

●      Write in a journal

●      Yoga

3. Seek Additional Support

Trauma can make you feel extremely lonely and isolated. While you may feel like you're alone, you're not. Also, isolating yourself from your loved ones can lead to worsening signs and symptoms. You have an entire support system ready and waiting for you when you're ready to receive the help you need and deserve. Your loved ones, like your family and friends, can help you work through those negative thoughts and feelings that you're experiencing. Even if you're not quite ready to speak with one of your loved ones, there are licensed and trained mental health professionals who can help you through this difficult time in your life.

Next Steps

No matter when your trauma occurred, we're here to help you. Although it may not feel like it right now, healing from trauma is possible. We're here for you when you're ready to start your journey towards healing. A mental health professional who has training in trauma can help you get to the root cause of the trauma and help you work through all of those thoughts and emotions that you have. Reach out to us today to set up a consultation for trauma therapy.


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