Fighting in a Healthy Relationship: Examining Common Issues
Couples are going to fight. Having little fights is actually healthy for relationships as it offers a way for growth and increased connection. Here are common themes seen among fights with healthy couples.

Understanding How EMDR Works in the Brain
In order to better understand the how and why of EMDR trauma therapy, it can be helpful to understand how the technique works in the brain. Here’s a closer look.

Communicating With Your Partner About Your Relationship
At the beginning of your relationship, everything seemed so easy. You had so much to talk about, and you both were constantly trying to learn new things about one another.

How To Recognize ADHD And Anxiety In Your Child
From the time you were pregnant to actually having your child or children, you’ve just always wanted them to be healthy, happy, and safe.

What Are Signs of Anxiety In Teens
You knew the teen years would be a tough time for you, your teen, and your family. The teen years bring on a lot of changes. Your little baby has grown up, and they’re becoming their own person.

Learning How To Cope With Your High-Functioning Anxiety
You've always been a hard worker for as long as you can remember. In school, you studied hard, completed your homework on time, and tried to do better with each class, quiz, test, paper, and anything that school threw your way.

3 Ways To Recover From Emotional Trauma
You knew that life wouldn’t immediately return to sunshine and rainbows, but you honestly didn’t think you’d still be feeling this way.

5 Tips For Dealing With Depression
You didn't want to admit it to yourself. Whenever you were about to face the fact that you had something going on, you focused on something else instead.

Does your relationship need an oil change?
Marriage is one of the most beautiful bonds that two people can share, but it can also be one of the most challenging. A healthy and happy marriage takes effort, communication, and commitment.

Mindfulness and Mental Health Management
Welcome to 2022 everyone! We are excited to bring your brain some new food for thought, but perhaps your mind is a little full, already. If that is the case, this is a great time to learn about mindfulness.

Thanksgiving: Giving Thanks for Gratitude
Thanksgiving, a time when families hold hands, say something they are grateful for, and then feast on a giant meal. While I love mashed potatoes as much as the next person, let’s take a moment to be grateful for gratitude

Cyberbullying: A Quick Look into Bullying on Digital Devices
Cyberbullying is a form of verbal and social bullying that occurs on digital devices, such as: messaging, online forums, gaming, social media, texting, and email.

Understanding Advantages of Teen Counseling – Eye-Opener for Parents
When do parents need to bring their teenager for professional counseling? It may not be easy to determine if your child requires the assistance of expert counselors. Here’s a tip.

As a parent or guardian, noticing, and dealing with behavioral changes in your teenagers can be quite daunting since they tend to be very hormonal in this stage of their lives.