Couples Intensive Therapy

Is Your Relationship At A Turning Point?

Has a recent transition or betrayal in your partnership caused you to feel stuck, overwhelmed, or hopeless?

Despite trying to find solutions—including weekly therapy—are you experiencing ongoing barriers to communication or progress in your relationship?

Do scheduling limitations keep you from being able to commit to ongoing weekly counseling in the first place?

Could you and your partner benefit from focused, uninterrupted time to process and overcome the challenges you face together?

The hustle of modern life often makes it difficult to devote undivided attention to our relationships. Couples in particular can fall into a rut when issues are not addressed head-on and are instead pushed under the rug. After a while, frustration and resentment are likely to fester, causing partners to drift apart from one another. Sometimes, this distance leads to painful ruptures in the relationship, like infidelity and betrayal, while other times, this distance causes couples to grow quietly apart. Without a strong connection, feelings of emotional and physical intimacy are hard to come by. 

A couples therapy intensive allows you and your partner an opportunity to rejuvenate and reconnect. Almost like a retreat for your relationship, this focused, intentional, uninterrupted time together working alongside a seasoned therapist can help you work through issues and become unstuck from harmful, counterproductive cycles of conflict—in a place that’s free from the distractions of the outside world.

A couple hugging

What Is A Couples Counseling Intensive?

Intensive therapy is an immersive and comprehensive learning experience that allows you to give ample time and space to your life’s most pressing issues. When you attend as a couple, intensive therapy sessions remove the distractions of everyday life, the pressure of coming to a consensus in an hour or less, and the potential of falling back into unhealthy patterns between sessions. For up to 2 days, you can dedicate your time and energy solely to your relationship so that both of you can figure out where you want to go next. 

Intensives Can Offer Support Where Weekly Therapy May Fall Short

If you’re anything like the other couples we work with, your schedule is jam-packed, and given everything you’re trying to accomplish, prioritizing your relationship is low on the to-do list. Intensive therapy has the potential to transform your relationship, offering actionable, concrete solutions in a matter of days—as opposed to spending months on end in counseling. A couples intensive can give your marriage or relationship the reset it needs so that you can reconnect and get on the same page again. 

Clients complete this process with a renewed understanding of themselves and each other. Through a couples therapy intensive, you can gain:

  • Better communication and boundary-setting

  • Conflict-resolution skills

  • A new understanding and implementation of core values

  • Tools for overcoming unhealthy cycles and “stuck” points in the relationship

  • Insights for healing past trauma

  • New strategies for co-parenting

couple on a couch

Intensive Couples Therapy Through Sunrise Counseling

In-person couples intensives through our practice are available in a traditional full-weekend format—8 hours a day for up to 2 days of therapy—as well as “mini” intensives, which are shortened to 4 hours per session. We welcome couples from all backgrounds to intensive therapy, including those who identify as LGBTQ+. Our clinicians work from a safe, non-judgmental, unbiased space where you can focus on the core concerns in your relationship. 

Our intensive services are well suited to couples struggling with a range of issues, from communication challenges to sexual discrepancies to betrayal—anything negatively affecting the marriage dynamic. We’re also qualified to work with clients considering separation and divorce. 

Our Approach

Though the intensive process is individualized to the needs of each couple, our team of experienced therapists is likely to draw from effective couples-specific counseling methods to help partners facilitate mutual support and understanding. At the outset of therapy, a Prepare/Enrich or Gottman assessment may be used to identify the core challenges affecting the relationship as we collaborate on goals for the intensive. 

From there, your therapist will draw from proven counseling approaches—including Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and The Gottman Method, among others—to create a structure for the session. These therapies are relationship-specific, promoting strong skills for listening, de-escalation, emotional identification and awareness, and enhancing intimacy. 

While many clients who’ve attended couples counseling in the past felt that their therapist “sided” with one partner or did not adequately hear them out, the clinicians at Sunrise Counseling are diverse and well suited to adapt their approach to the unique needs of each couple. We understand that therapy, no matter the format, is an investment of your time and resources, which is why we seek to make our couples intensives as efficient and effective as possible. 

This process gives you a meaningful opportunity to provide your relationship with the time and space it needs to heal.

Is Intensive Therapy Right For You?

Intensive therapy is a great option for couples who:

  • Have work and/or childcare obligations that make weekly in-person sessions difficult to schedule

  • Are at a crucial turning point in their relationship 

  • Seek quality time away from work, responsibilities, and other distractions to focus on the relationship

  • Live apart or experience frequent separation due to travel

Intensive sessions may not be appropriate for couples who:

  • Are in the middle of a court dispute or divorce

  • Are engaged in active domestic violence

  • Don’t have childcare options for day-long sessions

  • Are looking to use insurance

Happy couple hugging

Nurture Your Relationship With Dedicated Attention And Consideration

If you have a packed schedule, are in crisis with your partner, or simply want more concentrated time to work on your relationship, then a couples intensive through Sunrise Counseling may be a better option for you than traditional weekly therapy. Contact us to get started.

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Couples Intensive Therapy in Clarksville, TN

2292 Dalton Dr suite c
Clarksville, TN 37043