EMDR Intensives

a man looking out the window

Do You Need Ample Time And A Safe Space To Overcome Your Trauma?

Are you struggling with the acute effects of anxiety, panic, depression, or PTSD?

Is your busy schedule preventing you from seeking the support you need?

Do you feel as though you’re falling back into unhealthy patterns between therapy sessions, or you’re not making the progress you’d hoped?

Would you like the opportunity to devote focused, uninterrupted time to processing and overcoming the challenges that are keeping you stuck?

If you’ve experienced ongoing issues related to your mental health and wellbeing, chances are you’ve tried therapy or other interventions to help you manage symptoms. However, because you have such limited time each week to focus on your primary concerns, you may feel like you aren’t moving as far or as quickly as you’d like. This is probably made worse by a demanding work, school, and/or childcare schedule that prevents you from making time in your schedule to focus on you

At Sunrise Counseling, we are big believers in the benefits of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for helping clients overcome the long-term effects of stress and trauma. For clients experiencing scheduling limitations or a dissatisfaction with the conventional weekly therapy format, we offer EMDR intensives that condenses weeks’ worth of therapy into one or two days of focused, concentrated sessions.

a woman looking out a window

What Is EMDR And Why Is An Intensive Format Beneficial?

EMDR is a highly effective method of treatment for clients struggling with a range of issues, including: 

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • PTSD

  • Panic disorders

  • Phobias

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Relationship dysfunction

  • Any symptom that has resulted from “stuck” or unresolved trauma

To read more about how this highly effective, evidence-based approach works, visit our EMDR page.

An EMDR intensive takes the benefit of rapid eye movement therapy and enhances it by offering hours’ worth of treatment in one session. Over the span of 1 to 2 days (typically over the weekend but sometimes available on weekdays depending on the therapist’s availability), an intensive repeats the steps of EMDR until core traumas are neutralized and reprocessed in the brain’s neural pathways, thus causing less distress and discomfort overall, giving you a better quality of life. 

Whereas multiple weekly sessions may be needed to reprocess one trauma, an EMDR intensive has the potential to provide long-term relief from the effects of multiple traumas, effectively reducing the overall time spent in treatment.

a smiling woman

EMDR Intensives Through Sunrise Counseling

As a team of compassionate, trauma-informed clinicians, we have seen firsthand the effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Because we serve busy working professionals, college students, and parents, we recognize the value of EMDR intensives in providing a more efficient, focused therapeutic experience. 

Our EMDR intensives are available to clients 16 and older who may be struggling with a range of issues and are familiar with the EMDR process. The length of intensives varies, often tailored to each clients’ scheduling needs and limitations. However, intensives are typically designed to fill up 1 to 2 days’ worth of 8-hour sessions or “mini” 4-hour sessions over the span of a weekend (or mutually agreed upon weekdays). The pre-consultation interview will be used to determine if an EMDR intensive is appropriate and which length is most optimal for your unique concerns. 

What To Expect

Once the pre-consultation is completed, your therapist will work to individualize an EMDR “retreat” that honors your target goals. Along the way, they will provide you with any necessary grounding techniques to help you stay calm, focused, and not flooded by overwhelming emotions during the treatment process.

From there, as you identify and unpack the unpleasant beliefs, body sensations, emotions, or other stressors keeping you stuck, you will then repeat the EMDR process with your therapist until the traumatic memory or image is neutralized. A normal weekly session may include a few repetitions of the EMDR process, while an intensive session experience can repeat the process as many times as you need before moving onto the next target. As the intensive is completed, your therapist will conduct a post-treatment interview to monitor your progress (compared to the goals stated in the pre-consultation interview) and determine if additional treatment is needed. 

Over the span of one to two days in an EMDR intensive, you can experience focused, sustainable relief from symptoms that have been plaguing you for weeks, months, or even years. No longer will you feel disarmed and disturbed by traumatic memories—rather, you can experience less anxiety, more relaxation, and an overall more enhanced sense of wellbeing through EMDR.

Is An EMDR Intensive Right For You?

Intensive EMDR therapy is a great option for clients who:

  • Are familiar with EMDR concepts and practices (having attended weekly therapy or intensives in the past)

  • Experienced any kind of trauma or mental health issue that has not been improved with other therapeutic approaches

  • Feel “stuck” in their therapy process, unable to make progress as substantially and/or quickly as they’d like 

  • Have scheduling limitations that prevent them from committing to weekly therapy

EMDR intensives through Sunrise Counseling are not recommended for those who:

  • Are completely new to the EMDR process (a traditional, hour-long session may be recommended first)

  • Experience physical or mental health issues—including brain injuries and substance abuse disorders—for which EMDR is not a suggested treatment

Are looking to use insurance to pay for treatment (EMDR intensives are typically not covered by insurance)

Find Long-Term Relief From Your Trauma

EMDR can make a meaningful difference in your life, and an intensive can help you go far quickly. To find out more about intensive EMDR therapy through Sunrise Counseling or to schedule a pre-consultation interview with one of our seasoned therapists, contact us.

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EMDR Intensives in Clarksville, TN

2292 Dalton Dr suite c
Clarksville, TN 37043